Sunday, October 22, 2017

Stirring Around the Kitchen: Chocolate Fried Pies

Friday was a kitchen day in my schedule of the week.  Having completed the household chores, I didn’t want to start anything too big as the weekend was approaching and I’d been in the mood to cook a dessert all week.  Today was the day to putter in the kitchen and make one of Collin’s favorites, Chocolate Fried Pies.
This treat is very southern, rich in calories, and probably not classified as heart-healthy, but they are soooo good.  They are also time sensitive.  You don’t start the process if you are in a hurry.  I begin by making the dough for the outer crust. 

 Kneading and rolling the pastry shells takes time especially when you make 12 individual shells to hold the filling. 
Of course, there is the clutter and cleanup to handle before you begin the next step.  I probably worked an hour alone on the dough and preparing the pastry.

While these little wonders can be made with fruit (and I really like peach and apricot) Collin loves chocolate so that is what I make. It was back to the pantry to locate the cocoa, powdered sugar, and a few more items. 
 When the chocolate mixture was just right, it was time to fill the pastry shells, close and crimp, readying them for the last step.  Another mess to clean up and put out of sight.
The last part is frying them so that the shells turn to a pretty golden finish.  The skillet filled with enough oil to fry them is the most southern feature of the dessert.  We true Southerners love all things fried don’t you know!
About two  to three hours later, the confections were complete and the kitchen was cleaned up.

Well my sweet taste tester said they were pretty good and I had made big brownie points with him.  I’ve come to enjoy navigating my kitchen, but time didn’t allow the luxury until retirement.  Now that I’m home and have more time, trying new recipes as well as cooking up the tried and true is a fun way to. . .

Live Simply, Marcia

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