Saturday, February 28, 2009

And Since We've No Place To Go. . .

let it snow; let it snow!

That's right. More white, powdery flakes in Arkansas. We got up to rain this morning. Collin built up the fire while I made the coffee. He hasn't felt well this week with cold and flu-like symptoms so we had simply planned to stay in by the fire, keep warm, and relax. Around noon, the rain changed to snow. I'd say we've accumulated at least two inches and it looks like more is on the way. It is beautiful to watch it fall and to lay on the ground. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

In spite of the fact that all appearances would scream "Winter", I'm convinced that Spring awaits in the near future.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Winter Storm Cleanup

Collin and I have spent the last three weeks cleaning yards on Saturdays after the massive ice storm that pounded our area. We cleaned our yard and helped our neighbor just up the hill on the first Saturday. We cleaned Mom and Dad's yard the following Monday, and then spent the last two Saturday's helping Collin's parents clean and get rid of limbs and debris. I've hauled and drug tree limbs until I should have the muscles of Superman. I've raked giblets of leaves, pine, and tiny sticks such that I wore a blister on my thumb through my work gloves. I've bent over and loaded tons of piles into my wheel barrow until my back has almost stuck in the bent over position. We've had burn piles so high that it is a wonder that some concerned neighbor has not called in a fire alarm. Bryan worked all day with us on two of those Saturdays.

I think if we wanted to earn vacation money, we could hire out every Saturday from now until May. The first Saturday we headed to Brookland, Collin had our truck bed loaded down with chain saws, rakes, yard brooms, wheel barrows, gas jugs, etc. As he was securing everything down, he made mention that we would look gypsies driving down the bypass. I laughed and said, "If you'd put our phone number in the window, someone would probably try to hire us." We stopped at Sam's to buy gas and wouldn't you know it. The attendant came running over and excitedly asked, "Do you folks clean yards? I'm looking for someone to clean mine up." I chuckled to myself and thought, "I guess I was right. I should make a sign, Elder Lawn and Tree Cleaning."

Now all this yard work has brought a few things to my mind. First of all, all these leisurely Saturdays that I had expected to have in January and February have kind of gone by the wayside. You'll remember from an earlier post that I was looking forward to some peaceful weekends with maybe a few road trips. Wrong! And by the way, just how many women do you know that spend Valentine's Day with their sweetheart hauling wood? I had envisioned and had begun planning a Saturday in Memphis with a little shopping and a wonderful dinner at a nice restaurant. Wrong!

In all fairness, I must tell you that Collin did bring home a Valentine balloon Friday afternoon and we went to Shorty Small's for dinner that evening. It helped to soften the blow of my thwarted plans from prior days of traveling to Memphis. I somehow doubt that either of us would have felt like eating out on Saturday night.

Secondly, all this exercise which results in aching muscles and back pain reminds me that I'm not as young as I used to be. I know that somewhere in this old body, there is a trapped 18 year-old just dying to get out. Thank goodness for a jacuzzi and lots of hot water. I always feel better after a long soak at the end of the day. It would warm me up as well. Some of those Saturdays were cold and I had to really bundle up. Mamaw fixed a big crock pot of vegetable soup one of those days, and did it ever hit the spot.

Lastly, in spite of all the work we've done, there is more. Collin finally began cutting down the tree that is leaning over our shop and alas, yet another mess to clean up. Spring time with its rains and thunder storms await just around the corner and no doubt, more limbs will come tumbling down. Oh how I love being outside working in the yard, but could we just concentrate on flowers a little while rather than tree limbs.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Winter Wonderland in Arkansas

If there was any question that it was winter time in Arkansas, all doubt was laid to rest this past week as freezing rain pounded the northern half of the state icing all the trees and timber as well as the utility lines. The precip started about 6 o'clock Monday night and the icy drizzle lasted over 30 hours. We lost electricity Tuesday night about 6:00 and were without for 71 hours. We had lights about 5 o'clock Friday night. School was out the remainder of the week.

The world almost stops without electricity. We take it for granted until it isn't there. I don't know how many times I reached for the light switch simply out of habit. There were no land phones, cable, or internet as power lines were down. Of course, there wasn't any need to be concerned over cable since the TV didn't have electrical power anyway. (Double whammy if you will.) Many households were cold without alternate sources of heat and what do you eat without a stove to cook on just to mention a few of the dilemmas.

We actually faired quite well at our house considering all things. We have a wood burning insert so we could stay warm. A generator is a staple in Collin's shop and he had the gas cans filled with reserves ready for which time there would be a need. It's wonderful to be married to a man who has these kinds of toys, stays in a state of preparedness and almost looks forward to the time that he can utilize these power tools. I have my own version of "Tim, the Toolman", and what a lucky gal I am. We cooked on a gas grill, made breakfast on a griddle, and dined on cuisine from the crockpot. We made coffee daily and shared meals with my mom and dad.

We did not get off totally unscathed. We lost a large amount of tree limbs and had a tree fall over on Collin's shop doing some roof damage. And yet, for all the havoc caused by the ice storm, there was also so much beauty. The landscape was glistening in white, silvery crystals and everywhere we looked, the scenery was incredible. I happened to snap a few photos. I also had time to enjoy some magazines and since Riceland had no power, Collin was home as well. Bryan was in and out as even ASU experienced difficulties.

We've had quite a busy weekend. Needless to say, our yard was a mess and the cleanup began. I hadn't planned on yard work until late March and had planned on some leisurely Saturdays, but that isn't likely to be the case. We will be cleaning Mom and Dad's yard as well as Collin's mom and dad's yard next Saturday.

Many people in our area are still without electricity and do not have a promise of when to expect it. Many schools remain closed. We didn't have church today because there is no electricity in that area of the city. That is a first for me; I can't remember a time of not going to Sunday services because of power failures. I will be going back to school tomorrow and I must confess that I've become spoiled to being home.

In light of the weekend cleanup, I'm quite experienced in hauling limbs, racking, and burning debris. If you need a yard woman, just give a call.
