Thursday, August 31, 2017

Traveling South: A Family Affair

After a 2-week stay in New Orleans that heralded Anne Kathryn’s arrival in June, it was time to make a return trip to see my grandbabies. It’s hard to fathom that our sweet Anne Kathryn is already two months old and even Ben is changing so fast at 5 years old. Rhyne had an out-of-town conference, mom had not met Anne Kathryn, and Collin couldn’t go because of work.  The plan came together and Mom and I headed south last week.

It was a short visit to begin with, but Harvey prompted us to be cautious and come home a day earlier than planned so that we didn’t get stranded by heavy rains.  We still were glad to see our family and had a good visit.

After some delay from car troubles (another story for another day) and an unexpected trip to the dealership, I picked up mom and we left on Thursday around 10:00.  We had a good drive down and stopped at the Batesville Cracker Barrel for lunch.  Simple pinto beans with corn bread is hard to beat.
We arrived about 6:00 and Anne Kathyrn got to meet her great grandmother for the first time.

It was love at first sight.

We had a great visit on Friday and Saturday.  We had no special plans except to hang out, visit, and enjoy our time with each other.

We enjoyed some great meals together.  Over the course of a few days, we enjoyed roast, broccoli and cheese soup, and meatloaf with veggies.  We had a good time in the kitchen when it was lunch or dinner time.

Saturday afternoon, Micah and I hung some pictures and a few other little projects.  While we had planned to stay Sunday and hear Rhyne preach, the weather prevailed and it seemed best to head home ahead of the predicted heavy rains and possible flooding.

It was a great joy to take Mom to NOLA.  She loves her grandchildren and her great-grandchildren. She was thrilled to see this newest little angel that has been added to our family and to hold and love her for a time. She would hold and love Ben but he isn't still long enough. Does this photo give any indication?
She is looking forward to Thanksgiving when she can have all the family together for the holiday. So are we all.

Sometimes we plan, but there are unexpected changes that arise.  When life occurs, we adjust and recognize that God is in control. Nothing catches Him off guard and we trust Him in everything. Even our delay in leaving home was divinely orchestrated as was our coming home.  In confusion or disappointment, I’ve learned to look for the blessing.  We still marked precious moments seeing our family, visiting, sharing laughter and meals.  God blessed, we had a great time, and we were kept safe in His love.  What better way to . . .

Live Simply


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