Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Six Weeks of More Bad Weather

It's GROUNDHOG'S DAY. . . and in Punxsutawney (puhnk-suh-TAW-nee), PA, the traditional site of the scientific experiment, the groundhog did, indeed, see his shadow, and we can expect more of winter and no sign of early spring.

I had time to research this tidbit and include it today in my post since I am home, again, yet another day from school due to snow. Although it is wonderful now to be home on these cold, chilly days, I see a repeat of last year's makeup. I have a feeling I will not see a Memorial holiday as I will probably be in school that entire week to makeup the 5 snow days we have missed thus far this winter. And. . .it could get worse. What if we get more snow? Remember, the persimmon seeds are "spoon" shaped.

All that aside, I've been outside with the camera and I wanted to share a few snapshots. Snow is beautiful on the ground after a fresh fall. Collin thinks we probably got about 10 inches at our house.

We've also been bird watching again. Filling the feeders seems to be a continual task and it is just birds; the squirrels have disappeared. We have an unbelievable number of feathered friends who have taken shelter with us over the last 5 days and a number of new additions to the ones mentioned in an earlier post. A red-headed woodpecker has joined the clan. I have tried numerous time to catch a good picture of him, but alas, he is a tricky fellow and either gets on the back side of the feeder or flies away before I can catch him. If I get lucky, I'll post him later. He is a rather handsome fellow. We also have at least 4 doves who have come along as well. Yesterday, we actually saw 1 robin.

Take a peek at these two beauties. We have 2 couples of red birds. I have named them Fred and Wilma, Barney and Betty. We've seen all 4 of them at once, but again, they are not cooperative for the camera so I had to catch them individually.

Well, perhaps there will be more melting today and I'll back in school tomorrow.


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