Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's Been Hectic

I do not believe we had summer vacation this year or either I blinked and missed it.

School has reopened once again, and I've been hopping for the last two weeks to be ready when the "little darlings" arrived. Thursday was the big day. I have been doubly busy since not only was my teaching assignment changed 5 weeks ago, but also on Monday at 1:00 for a second time just before school opening on Thursday. My job may be many things, but it is never boring, and secondly it is continually "STC"; the newest acronym in my life--SUBJECT TO CHANGE. I am officially teaching Travel and Tourism all day long. My internship program has ended through a long series of developments which trickled down from the state department in Little Rock. I'm rather sad to lose this program as I thought it was very beneficial to the students, not to mention I had invested hours in building it. I convinced students, area schools, and the business community that it would work and it did. I started 3 years ago with 7 kids and last year I served 60. I've been at the tech center 7 years and I'm embarking on a new program for the 4th time. I'm growing a bit weary of starting over time after time. They must think I have an anointing or a special gift for this type of thing. Just when I get everything running smoothly and in place, we decide we're going to do something different. Retirement is sounding better all the time. Ah well, I'm pressing on with a smile on my face. This, too, shall pass.
On a lighter note, I'm so proud of my son. He has received two ag scholarships this fall and on Wednesday, I got to go with him to have lunch and see him be recognized for one of them. His dad usually goes with him on these occasions as most of the time it is easier for him to get off work. He had a meeting this time that he couldn't miss, so I had a golden opportunity and I took advantage of it. He is moving back to the campus to live. In fact, most of his things have been carried out and he is about ready to stay permanently. It will probably be a little quiet around here, but I bet if he gets a little hungry or needs to do a little laundry, he'll be around.

Looking forward to Labor Day,


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