What a wonderful day of celebration! I'm a bit behind on my holiday posts. Our fairly peaceful life became very hectic and busy as of Christmas Day.

Mid-afternoon, we gathered up and headed to Brookland to share Christmas with Collin's mom and dad. Again, there was plenty of food to eat and then we exchanged gifts.

And the last stop of the day was back to our house where we opened our gifts left under the tree.

Sunday, we went to church and then had lunch with Mom and Dad once again. Sunday afternoon was rather leisurely with naps for some while I began breaking down boxes, folding tissue paper and gift sacks, clearing away a little of the left over debris. Sunday night, we treated the kiddos to dinner at ToMolly's. The boys had gone to the movies and were hungry after the show.

Monday, Micah and I made an afternoon run to town to see what kinds of bargains had been left behind. We had ham sandwiches with dip and chip for supper. Tuesday, the kids were all out and about while Mom cleaned up on the home front, doing laundry, and making Chicken Noodle Soup for supper. Wednesday was an adventurous day as my children went to town with me for a little shopping. After treating them to lunch at San Francisco Bread, we headed to the AT&T store where I purchased a new IPhone. Now first, about lunch, when they were little, I took them out every Friday during the summer for their choice of cuisine and did something for fun on their special day. Both commented that it was "just like old times." I said yes, very enjoyable, except then I could feed everybody for $10 instead of $25. They used to be satisfied with Happy Meals.

About the phone, both Micah and Bryan have been after me for the last six months at least that I needed to get with it and get a more up to date phone. I needed to be more high tech. My little phone was three years old and all it was good for was to state my business, say goodbye, and hang up--no texting. The guy at the phone store laughed out loud when he asked for my phone and saw what I had. Bryan exclaimed, "I've been telling her she has the dinosaur of phones." Well, now, not only can I text, but check my e-mail, schedule my appointments, make lists, and a host of other applications. I'm really with it now.

After getting home, I pulled a roast out of the oven and finished our dinner. Thursday morning, I left for Paragould to get the oil changed in my car. Rhyne and Micah packed up to head back to the Putmans, Sr. for a few days. After getting home, I began taking down Christmas and packing up. Collin helped me finish hauling and storing about 8 that night. The house was cleaned up and the furniture back in place. It was a full day.
And that was a recap of our Christmas week. The day was wonderful and the week was wonderful to have our children home and everyone together. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well.
Collin and I got up about 7 and enjoyed our coffee. By 10:30 or so we headed to Mom and Dad's to begin grilling the steaks and get ready for lunch.
Our children began to arrive around 11 and we began our day with lunch and then moved to the Christmas tree to see what Santa had brought.

Stay tuned for our New Year's celebration.
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