School has reopened once again, and I've been hopping for the last two weeks to be ready when the "little darlings" arrived. Thursday was the big day. I have been doubly busy since not only was my teaching assignment changed 5 weeks ago, but also on Monday at 1:00 for a second time just before school opening on Thursday. My job may be many things, but it is never boring, and secondly it is continually "STC"; the newest acronym in my life--SUBJECT TO CHANGE. I am officially teaching Travel and Tourism all day long. My internship program has ended through a long series of developments which trickled down from the state department in Little Rock. I'm rather sad to lose this program as I thought it was very beneficial to the students, not to mention I had invested hours in building it. I convinced students, area schools, and the business community that it would work and it did. I started 3 years ago with 7 kids and last year I served 60. I've been at the tech center 7 years and I'm embarking on a new program for the 4th time. I'm growing a bit weary of starting over time after time. They must think I have an anointing or a special gift for this type of thing. Just when I get everything running smoothly and in place, we decide we're going to do something different. Retirement is sounding better all the time. Ah well, I'm pressing on with a smile on my face. This, too, shall pass.

Looking forward to Labor Day,
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