Both my children were born in August. Micah, the big sis, on the 4th, and Bryan, the lil' bro, on the 23rd. I am truly blessed--my children are wonderful and I know they were sent to me directly from heaven above.
I don't get to be with Micah on her birthday now that she lives in New Orleans, but thank goodness for phones and e-mails. It shortens the distance somewhat. When we are together, we try to make the moments count. We went for a visit during spring break, and during a shopping spree, she found a treasure she liked so I bought an early present. When they were home in July, I sent a little gift sack home and made her promise not to peep until her birthday. This is a repeat photo, but here we are mom and daughter, making a memory.

Bryan's birthday is tomorrow. Since he has moved back to the ASU campus and since tomorrow is Monday, I probably won't see him on his birthday either and he is in Jonesboro. What is a mom to do? We celebrated today while having lunch at grandmother's and papaw's house. Since he is all about drums, he was pretty pleased with his gift. He is taking it to the apartment.

My children are now 27 and 22. They should be about 7 and 2. Time passes swiftly, but I have no regrets. I hope they have never been disappointed in me. I've spent a lifetime running to ballgames, band and choir concerts, plays, piano, flute, twirling, and drum lessons, just to name a few of the fun things. We also had some less favorable experiences like runs to the ER. I've enjoyed every minute (except for the ER) and would do it all again in a heartbeat. From time to time, I still do what I can to help them out or be a part of whatever they have going on in their lives. My major job seems to have ended which is sometimes a little sad, but I remind myself that I'm always on call 24-7. You just never know when the phone might ring and I hear, "Mom." I can usually tell by the tone of voice before the words are ever spoken.
I know birthdays are usually intended for the special person of the day, but I think when these days come along, I am the one celebrating that I have to be the absolute luckiest person in the world to be a mom and to have two such wonderful children.
7 Hugs, (Micah will understand and I think Bryan will.)
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