Weekends are even better than ever when you have three days instead of two--a bonus. At least this one has been for me. I was off today for a school vacation day--MLK Day. How pleasant. Now I've taught for many years and school has been closed this day many times, but only the kids got off. Teachers always had to go in for in-service. Today was a first. I got to stay home and catch up on some things and rest.
First of all, I did not sleep Saturday night so Sunday morning it was really hard to get up. I yawned and fought to stay awake during the morning sermon. And yesterday afternoon was very exciting (which I'll get to in a minute) so I did not get a nap. Last night, I crashed and sleep all night until about 7:30 this morning. It was wonderful. I enjoyed late coffee and then hit the ground running. I've got a lot done today, but with planning, I didn't wear myself out. Since I have a timer on my phone, I devised a plan. I'd work on the computer for an hour doing some of my ASU internship assignments and when the timer went, I'd take a 30 minute break and do something household related. I almost made a game of it to see how much I could accomplish. It was amazing. I completed 4 ASU projects, picked up our bedroom, straightened the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher and started reloading, put a roast with potatoes and carrots in the oven for dinner, dusted the furniture and run over the floors. Pretty productive, I'd say. And. . . I didn't give myself a headache working on the computer all day. I think I'll try this method again another day.
Yesterday was a great day. The ladies from our church hosted a baby shower for little Ben. Micah and Rhyne drove in Saturday. Sunday morning, Micah slipped in and joined me for the morning worship. We all went to Grandmother's for lunch (and I might add she outdid herself--it was delicious), and then we went to the shower. Micah got so many precious clothes, quilts, and miscellaneous items. The hostesses presented her with a Pac-and-Play, and there was a number of gift cards. 

You may remember that last week I reported on a secret weekend project. Well, here it is. I'm rather sentimental and I think Micah is a little bit as well. I wanted to give her something that had been hers to enjoy with Ben. I retrieved the shawl that was a gift to me that I wrapped her in to bring home from the hospital. It had several spots and needed to be laundered. I set out last weekend to get it "Ben" ready. It is crocheted with a fine silk thread and had to be hand washed, air dried. This is the first go-round.
It looked pretty good, but I found a few more little problem spots that I either didn't get out or missed the first time. After the second washing, I felt it was ready to go. 
I also wanted Micah to have her baby ring that she wore home from the hospital. Perhaps Ben can wear it too if his momma so chooses. And lastly, a little something new for our baby boy.
Uncle Bryan also had something special for his little nephew. His momma was so thrilled.
Here are just a few baby shower pictures. There are lots more and perhaps I'll share some more of them a little later.

1 comment:
Marcia, I enjoy reading your blog so much and Micha's also. Little Ben will be here before you know it. My newest grandson is already a year old. They grow so fact. Looks like all she needs is Ben because she has everything she will need!
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