Two weeks have already passed since Thanksgiving and it is hard to believe. Our schedule is simply so hectic that time flies.
After all our children returned to their homes, it became routine as usual. We got things back together on the home front and the laundry caught back up. We went to work and our schedule of activities was set in motion.
We began Monday night by heading out to the Fowler Center for the annual Riceland Banquet. We traveled with our neighbors, the Tidwells, and enjoyed a delicious meal. We were fortunate to win two door prizes. I made off with a flashlight (isn't that exciting) and Collin landed a $20 bill. As we headed out, it began snowing and when dinner was over, it was still snowing. You know this is very unusual before Christmas. It was beautiful. Fortunately, it didn't stick to the roads such that we couldn't get to school and work the next morning.

The weekend arrived and Collin left to deer hunt. Bryan came in for the weekend, but slept in late. As I was basically alone, I decided it was a good time to wrap Christmas packages. It takes quite a while to drag everything out and get organized with boxes here, sacks there, rolls of paper, and all necessary accessories--scissors, tape, bows, ribbons, name tags, and tissue paper. I wrapped all Saturday morning. After assessing my progress, I decided to head to town and do more shopping. I called my mom at the last minute, but she was set on go, so we headed out. Saturday night, I wrapped more. I'll have to get a picture made of the tree and post at a later time.
Sunday was a full day at church. Back to school on Monday and then I decided I needed to make an after school shopping trip. And guess what? Another night of snow!!!! Again, it was absolutely beautiful, but it didn't cling to the roads. By noon, it had just about all melted away. Between the two nights, we had about 9 inches. I can only hope this would happen for Christmas. How wonderful it would be to have a white Christmas, but nothing on the roads.

Wednesday night took us to church for supper and a dress rehearsal for the Living Christmas Tree. All this past weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, we have been at the church doing what we could to help in the presentation of "One Incredible Moment." We had three "full house" turnouts. It was a wonderful program.

Today, it was back to work. This is the last week of school and we'll be out Friday. It's very exciting around my office. Students and parents have brought in sweet treats throughout the day and this is just Monday. Everyone is excited about the festivities and Christmas break. We've another busy week ahead. More happenings and pictures will come.
Happy Holidays,
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