We've had a wonderful Christmas holiday and a full two weeks. And now, we're just hours away from the new year. I'll probably be asleep when the clock actually hits 12 midnight. Now for a little recap as we look ahead to the new year.
During the week prior to Christmas, I spent several days finishing last minute shopping, baking a few goodies for everyone to eat, wrapping last minute packages, cleaning a bit and getting ready for company, and taking in a few RCS basketball games at the NEA Tournament.
Bryan was already home for the holidays and spending quite a bit of time duck hunting while we waited in anticipation that Micah and Rhyne would get home as well. Our formal celebrating began on Friday night as we enjoyed dinner with the Putman's. Here are a few shots of the evening.
After celebrating with my folks we headed to Brookland to celebrate with the Elder's.
Last stop of the day was back at our our house. 

Micah and Rhyne were at our house a couple of more days. Bryan joined Micah and me shopping at the mall the day after Christmas. Tuesday, Micah and Rhyne had individual plans as did Bryan and myself. I went to a book signing and Barnes and Noble related to RCS, then Bryan joined me for another RCS basketball game at the NEA Tournament. We called Micah and Rhyne and all joined up for supper at TaMolly's. Wednesday, they packed and headed home to New Orleans. I began taking down Christmas, packing it up and cleaning house. By Friday afternoon, things were almost back to normal.
T0day we spent most of the day in the yard raking leaves and burning. It looks much better, but Collin and Bryan will finish up Monday. It's hard to believe that it is sunny and 60 on the last day of December.
Bryan went hunting early this morning. Look at the trophy goose he got.
And last, allow me to introduce you to what is probably going to be the newest members of our family. They showed up last night and Collin has taken them in. They have made themselves at home pretty quickly. They aren't named, but we'll keep you posted.
PS. A few individual pictures were deleted due to technical difficulties, so I had to redo. They are the ones at the top.