I have a bright orange butterfly bush in full bloom outside by the patio. I have really been enjoying this beauty the last week or so. Rightly named, it draws butterflies and I sit in amazement watching them dance from bloom to bloom. Last week I noticed a beautiful one flitting around the bush --black with orange on it's wings. I thought how I would love to capture this delightful little creature digitally.
Yesterday morning, a new species found it's way to my bush--almost completely yellow with black trim on it's wing edges. Absolutely beautiful!. I had my phone outside and I had a thought--"I just wonder; could I possibly get a picture." And to my delight, the little guy was very cooperative even though I moved very slowly, deliberately, and carefully as not to scare him away. Is he not beautiful?

Yesterday afternoon, a third new one joined, but alas, he was very crafty and I could not catch him still. Solid black with sky blue coloring on his wings. Maybe another day, I'll get lucky.
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