Good Friday finally arrived and I took the day off from school to enjoy the day home with Collin, to get some things done on the home front, and to reflect on the blessings and gifts of the Christian celebration. We've had a wonderful weekend and I hope you have too.

The iris are beginning to bloom. I'm afraid we won't get to enjoy them as much this year because of so much rain and high winds, but I have a number of them outside the patio and around the yard and they are beginning to show off their beauty.

As is the norm for me, I've spent as much time outside as possible this weekend. This is an update of some of my earlier yard work and the hostas are beginning to grow larger from the transplant. I'm rather pleased with this move and have enjoyed these as I drink my early morning coffee.

Friday morning, Collin and I went to pick up our camper and bring it home. It needed a few minor repairs as we are anticipating the vacation season. We're planning our first outing Memorial Weekend. When we got back home, we quickly found a snack of lunch and went out to the yard to work. This is at the end of our front sidewalk. We began moving more flowers and shrubbery.

This is the finished product of Friday afternoon. This is the end result of about four hours of work believe it or not. We dug up and moved all sorts of things to establish a more uniform front line. Now, we've got to grind out the stumps, plant the grass, buy the landscaping blocks, and fill in with mulch. We've been wanting to give the front entry a face life for quite some time. We were quite pleased, but extremely tired. We worked until about 7:30 and came in for supper. I had ribs going in the crock pot and we finished up on the grill with potatoes and corn on the cob. We did not have to be rocked to sleep.

Saturday, we headed to Mountain View with Collin's folks and had lunch at JoJos on the White River. We had fried fish with the trimmings. It was delicious all the way down to the pinto beans and green tomato pickles. YUM-YUM! Collin's mom and dad looked like they are either about to say grace or have just finished. Either way, the food was really good and the Lord deserved to be thanked for the blessing. You can see the White River through the windows and the scenery. This is a beautiful place; I highly recommend you give it a try sometime. We took another route home and drove through Blanchard Springs Caverns. We decided we hadn't been there since Bryan was about 2 and now he is 22. Things have changed there just a little.

After we got home, Collin finished mowing the yard that Bryan had started and I cleaned off the patio a bit.

Our house front and back is surrounded by trees. It is always shaded one way or another. All these trees on the front side were planted after we bought this house. If faces the west and we determined immediately that we needed shade from the hot sun. We bought this house and moved in when Micah was just having her birthday so what you see is 26 years--nearly 27 of planting seedlings and their growth.

The back line of hardwoods were here. The second back yard separated by the creek was all grown up. Collin spent hours cleaning it off and picking up rocks getting it where we could mow it. Our two little cherubs have spent hours playing in the back.

Their dad build the tree house for them. It's beginning to lean and I think it is going to have to come down, but thank goodness for pictures to preserves memories.

And this is newly acquired little cove we've cleared and made part of the landscape. I hope to get something out here sometime in the future like a picnic table. I love walking in our yard. It's always peaceful and quiet. I think it is at it's peak this time of year when everything is so newly fresh and green. I hope you've enjoyed the tour with me today.

This morning, we were all up early getting ready for church. I snapped a quick (and I do mean quick) photo before heading out the door. If you get BB to stop for a picture, you have done something. We had wonderful services today and the music was just incredible. There were two choir numbers with solos, a trio of ladies, and then the orchestra played "How Great Thou Art." We had nearly 1200 for worship today. PM services were cancelled. We're enjoying a peaceful afternoon.
Happy Easter,
1 comment:
Marcia, I enjoy your blog so much. I know it is very time consuming. I always look forward to reading your and Collin's new accomplishments. I hope you enjoy your new job. Take care and tell your mom and dad I said hello.
Love ya,
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