Our life has really been hectic lately. Fortunately, this weekend, I didn't have any pressing matter of which I had to be a part. The birthday party on Friday was actually relaxing and the meal was wonderful, so that made for a delightful evening.
Saturday morning, I was able to sleep in and rest; 7:15 is late for me. Collin had to get up early and go to work, unfortunately, but luckily for me, the coffee had been made, ready and waiting. I fixed up my cup and went out to the patio to enjoy the swing and the morning stillness. It was beautiful.

Later, I decided to go digging for a few of my fall house decorations to add a little color to the house. Autumn arrives this week, you know. I didn't go overboard; it isn't quite time for pumpkins and turkeys, but I did place some flowers and candles. I love the fall colors and I always feel that when I begin to get out a few things, we're gradually ushering in the holiday seasons that finish out the year.

Saturday afternoon, my mom and I went to town to do some looking and shopping. I don't know when we've had an afternoon to browse, but I really enjoyed our outing and I think she did as well. We may even get in two Saturdays in a row if I don't have something unexpected next weekend.

Sunday is always busy for us. We're up early and arriving at church by 8:00. Our services were wonderful yesterday. The music was just exceptional and we observed the Lord's Supper. It was so meaningful. Since Collin didn't have the usual recording that he normally has, we had the afternoon free. He is moving into a new office space, so we went down to finish the venture, and I helped him place a few things, get some prints on the wall, and spot a few knick-knacks here and there. It needed a "woman's touch" you know. I wish I had carried my camera along.
Don't you just love lazy weekends!
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