Nearly three weeks ago, Micah called with news that she and Rhyne were getting keys and garage openers to their house. They were starting to move boxes to the new house and movers would be there in a week to carry over the big furniture. Everybody was excited. That same night, our neighbors, Steve and Robin told they were headed to New Orleans the next week for a few vacation days and invited me to ride down and they would drop me off for a visit with Micah. I didn't know; I thought she might want to move and set up on her own. It was after all her first house, but definitely not a first move. I called her back and told her they had offered me a ride if I wanted it. If she would like for me to come a couple of days to wash dishes and help her, I would be more than happy to come. She said, "You want the ride." The next week I was headed south strong of back with willing spirit and Steve's truck loaded down with boxes of stored dishes, linens, and miscellaneous kitchen items that she had never been able to enjoy due to lack of space.
Tuesday night the kids took me out to eat since for the obvious reasons the apartment was just a bit shy of groceries. When we got back home, everybody began more packing of boxes and carrying over the small stuff to the house. The movers were coming the next morning. Here we are working together in the kitchen.
Our efforts were most productive and I felt good about our progress at the end of the day.
Thursday was another day of emptying boxes, cleaning, washing several loads of laundry, and hanging a few pictures. Again, some of our finished efforts.
I took a little house warming gift from the family. Micah has always loved and admired my flags, so about 2 years ago, I got this bright idea to start a collection for her. I knew the day would come that she would have a house and I wanted to be ready. I think she was surprised and pleased. Here is she and Rhyne opening up the surprise,

and here she is late Thursday afternoon getting the first flag outside to signal life and activity in the house.
Isn't she the cutest thing?! You cannot imagine how happy this child is to finally have a house. She said she finally felt all grown up--after nearly 5 years she actually had a house with a yard.
Steve and Robin came early Friday morning to pick me up and we headed home. I was thrilled to get to help out a little. Nothing brings a mama any more joy than to know she is still needed and can be useful even when her daughter is a big girl and quite capable on her own. She and Rhyne have a beautiful house, and I know very soon if not already, it will be home.
Travel--Series I complete. More to come.
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