Today was my official first day home. It felt wonderful. To begin the celebration, I went to get a haircut yesterday about 5. When I got home, Collin and Bryan had gone to play golf, so I immediately fixed a bowl of popcorn and a big glass of Coke. I enjoyed two movies back to back from NetFlix instant play, Perfect Picture and The Proposal, both very good--romantic comedies. It was pure bliss--chick flicks without aggravation.
This morning I slept until about 7. By 7:10, I had slipped on my shorts, brushed my teeth, and put in my contacts. I went for a mile walk. When I got back, it was coffee time on the patio in the swing. It was wonderful. After a while of just sitting, I decided I needed to be productive. Here goes my day.
Sweep the patio, move the plants, and water.

This is the entry cove from the patio into my laundry room. I think this is a very calm setting. I've adopted the peace plant and am taking care of it for a friend. It's a long story, but I think it is beautiful. The welcoming frogs on the wall was a birthday present from my mom. I like frogs and most who are close to me know that--there is a story for another day. Note in the bottom left corner the boots fill with impatiens. Those boots were Bryan's when he was about a 7th or 8th grader. His foot outgrew the boot. I come across them and had a brainstorm after seeing an idea in a gardening magazine.
Weed eat all around the house; pick up sticks and carry them off.
Many other numerous yard tasks.
It was beginning to get hot so I thought after a quick sandwich, I'd do some things in the house.
Change the sheets on two beds.
Vacuum the bedroom carpets.
Wash, dry, and put away 3 or 4 loads of laundry.
Do a little mending.
Unjam Bryan's printer.
By now it's nearly 4 and the yard needed to be mowed.
I finished up about 6 to run into town with Collin to get gas in the truck. We came home and had hamburgers from the grill and cleaned up the mess. I ran out to water and the kitchen floor still needed to be swept.
. . .and I actually didn't tell everything. There were lots of other little odd jobs in between.
Now this will be my life all summer long. I will go back to school and all my projects will not be complete. I ask myself when I work all day long in the summer how I keep up with a job all day long the other 9 months. I'm never bored. Oh how I love being at home.
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