The first duty of Friday afternoon was to mow the grass for the weekend. After two weekends of rain, it was really growing. I tackled the yard while Collin and Bryan cut down a dead tree for our neighbor, cut and loaded the wood, and loaded the debris onto a trailer which Collin and I hauled off.
We were up early Saturday. Collin left at 5:30 headed to Stuttgart with Riceland colleagues to play in the annual company tournament. He had a great time. Diane (Micah's mom-in-law) asked me to accompany her to visit her mother and come back to Memphis for the afternoon to shop and that we did. In honor of Mother's Day, I just happened to choose a couple of things that I really liked. I knew that Collin would appreciate that I did some shopping to save him the trouble.
After church on Sunday, we had lunch with my mom. She prepared a wonderful menu with ham, baked potatoes, and trimmings. It's especially nice that you can be with those you love on these special days. We visited a while during the afternoon while Collin had to run back to church for some final editing on the church services for the weekly TV broadcast.

I know I am deeply loved and appreciated by those I serve at home as a wife and mother. Collin and Bryan got me the most meaningful, sentimental card. On the front was pictures of a mop bucket, iron, washing machine, broom, boiling sauce pan, etc. and it said, "I hope you know that all of your hard work has not gone unnoticed. (and inside) We've been watching you from the couch during commercials." Were any truer words ever spoken?
On my pedestal,
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