What a wonderful weekend and what a wonderful celebration of our Lord's resurrection.
Collin was off for Good Friday and I decided to take a day from school to be home with him. We had a full productive day working in the yard and completing other projects on the home front. It is wonderful to see green leaves on the trees once again and to have a zig-zag of velvet green carpet underneath your feet that needs a straight edge trim from the lawn mower. I mowed, raked, and trimmed the better part of the day. Saturday, we did more of the same.
Sunday morning we were up early and off to church. We had wonderful services and a big crowd. The evening services were canceled. We went to Mom and Dad's for lunch and then on to Collin's parents for the second half of the afternoon and a dinner meal. Collin's brother, Craig, and his wife, Arista arrived from Milwaukee before we left to come home. They were home for a few day's visit.
It has been another busy week. Besides our usual work week, Collin's father had knee replacement surgery on Monday. We've spent quite a bit of time at the hospital. Although he has had quite a bit of pain, Papaw Bob is doing quite well and is recovering. His PT tell him he is doing great. We hope he can go home soon. 
Oh, for the beauty of springtime. Thank goodness it has returned.Marcia
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