As usual, I'm running behind with the events and happenings in my life. My Memorial Day celebration was a bit different this year. Instead of the usual three-day weekend and being home with the family, I worked; well, I worked half of the day. Due to the ice-storm and trying to make up the days missed at school, we were in session on Monday. I was a little pouty since Collin was off Friday due to plant fumigation and off on Monday for the holiday. To fix this situation, I took half-day sick leave both Friday and Monday afternoons so I wouldn't miss everything going on and feel so bad. I didn't have students in the afternoon. When I do this type of thing, I refer to it as mental health days. I sometimes think my mind suffers more than my physical well being with the business I'm in.
We began the holiday on Thursday night by eating hamburgers and hot dogs with the Sr. Putman's or the other set of in-laws. We had a great time; it's too bad our NOLA children weren't there to join in on the festivities. Any time you grill and have picnic food, plus share it with others whether at our home or theirs, it just seems like you've really celebrated and it makes the event more special. We had a great time. Bryan came along as well.

I have been wanting a pergola added to our patio. All the magazines insist that they extend family living into the outdoors and enhance relaxation. Now I already spend a great deal of time outside in the early mornings and late afternoons on the patio. At any rate, Collin and I have been looking at them on the Internet and in magazines, pricing lumber and making plans. He started in building it on Friday, and finished the actual structure on Saturday. In the meantime, I bought and potted flowers in containers, we've done additional electrical wiring for a fan, bought a wooded swing, and just today, I have stained it. Perhaps it will dry out and we'll get it hung over the weekend. Bryan helped along with our neighbor, Steve, and of course, I did what I could. I was primarily the ground crew, fetching tools, handing things up, moving ladders and extension cords, and most importantly, making tea and keeping the glasses full. These pictures show the construction. When the swing is up and the job completely finished, I'll show additional photos.

Drinking my early morning coffee, sipping tea in the afternoons, and taking in nature makes me as happy as anything. Micah bought a book for me a couple of years ago that I really enjoyed called "Leota's Garden." Anytime I sit outside, look around, and enjoy my flowers, I think to myself; "Ahhhhhhhhh. . .Marcia's Garden." I think I'll run right now, get a glass of tea, pick out a book for summer reading, and head out to the patio.
Lovin' summer,
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