God blessed me with two wonderful children. Although they are now 25 and 20, it seems just yesterday that we brought Micah, and then five years later, Bryan home from the hospital. Where does the time go? The dolls, playhouse furniture, power rangers, baseballs, and footballs have all been stored away and the dust has settled, but within these four walls we call home are dozens and dozens of memories. Collin and I were reminiscing just the other day about some of the antics of our two cherubs and shared a few chuckles. Like all children, they could pull off some real dandy stunts. And, some of the things they could say would keep us in stitches.
They are quite grown up now and we are very proud of their accomplishments and what they have become. Looking back, those traits and accomplishments were all present in the early years and they have developed through the years to be what they are today.
Micah has loved to read her entire life. One of her very favorite things was to crawl up into your lap with her favorite story books and listen as still as a little mouse as long as you would sit with her. Today, she still loves to read. She couldn't wait to start to Kindergarten just so she could learn to read. Once she got the hang of kindergarten, she spent many afternoons being the teacher. I can distinctly remember the little table and chair which became her desk complete with pencils, paper, crayons, and little story books--all the things a teacher would need on her desk. And for her students??? She carefully positioned all her dolls and stuffed animals. Although I can't take the credit for encouraging her to follow in mom's footsteps, she has indeed become a Pre-K teacher in NOLA spending her day with 21 four-year olds and loving every minute. I'm very proud of her. I know beyond a shadow of doubt, she is an incredible teacher, works hard, and adores every one of her children. We were fortunate to travel to NOLA last fall and got to see her classroom. In the photos, we were helping her create a "tree" for her classroom so her children could have a special place to look at story books. I'm confident that she has several goals for her children, but I dare say, her heart's desire would be for each of them to learn to read and enjoy all the adventures and travels within bound pages just as it has meant so much to her over the years.

Bryan's personality took on quite a different style to Micah's. This was the child that was never still and never quiet. He was on the move with his "little big trucks" (mini sized 18 wheelers), tractors, combines, pick up trucks, bulldozers, and road graders. You think of the equipment and we had it. He has been farming his entire life. It's no wonder he spends his college days in the college of ag. But hold on to your ears. When he wants to make some noise, you'll know it because he is "my little drummer boy" and always has been. My talented little musician has been playing the drums since he was two years old. He would go to my cabinets, drag out the pots and pans turning them upside down. Then he wanted me to save coffee cans and other varied sizes. With pencils for drumsticks, he would sit for hours hammering out some kind of beat. As he continued to grow, he constantly tapped on something. He got his first set from Santa when he was about eight or nine. Boy, was that ever a wonderful Christmas. He begged and begged for real drums until we got his first Pearl set in the 7th grade and last year, he saved his money to buy a true professional set of Yamaha. He was destined--no doubt. He is very good and it never gets too loud for me and I never tire of hearing him. I love that sound. I kind of dance around the house to the beat and love knowing that he is home. I've just happened to snap a few photos of him and the drums. (And this isn't all of them nor all the symbols.)

I guess you can tell I'm just a little proud, but then, what mother wouldn't be?
1 comment:
I'm such a great kid. How did you ever get so lucky?
I love you.
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