I've reached a point such that with every birthday I reflect on my life and the blessings that God has provided for me. First, I'm just glad to still be here. I've had a successful career, a wonderful marriage, and raised two precious children. I feel that I've reached a major milestone to help them to be successful, independent, happy adults. Neither of them drink, smoke, do drugs, have numerous tattoos or body piercings, and I've never bailed either one of them out of jail. Now what more could a mother ask for. Micah has made it and Bryan will only be home two or three more years. His college days will be complete before I know it. Now once a mother, always a mother. I think they still need me from time to time, (I certainly hope they do), but their survival doesn't depend on me quite like it used to. The house is a lot more quiet these days and the hustle-bustle of school activities has long since ceased. I miss some of those things, but time marches on and I wouldn't want my children to miss out on what life has in store for them with families of their own.
Another wonderful thing about my birthday is that Mom and I get to celebrate

Spring break came along and Collin and I made a four-day trip to Branson. We had a great time shopping. We slept in getting some much needed rest and ate at three very nice restaurants. We had a hot breakfast every morning compliments of our hotel and at night, they served blackberry and peach cobblers along with ice cream. Did we ever enjoy that. We don't want to get on the scales for a while until we get those pounds worked off. I also did a little work on my plants and flowers. Collin arranged for me to have a massage as a birthday present and I went into town Thursday for that special treat. It was wonderful.
And now, I return to work on Monday. So as you can see, with all this to-do in March, it slips by quickly and I'm always in a quandary as to what happened to this month of the year. I better hurry; it will be tax day before I know it.
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