I love Thanksgiving. The harvest decorations are beautiful and the colors of nature are my favorites. It's a wonderful time to be shared with family and friends when you really slow down just a bit and concentrate on life's blessings. This year was no exception.
We have a great deal of
tradition steeped into Thanksgiving as we do Christmas. Micah and Rhyne drove in from New Orleans. Tuesday evening as soon as I could get home from school, the family had traditional chile supper with corn chips and shredded cheese. When the meal was over, we carried in the tree and trimmings and let the assembly begin. Although everybody was excited that the tree was going up and could hardly wait until the packages were placed below it's branches, Collin and I suddenly noticed that Micah fell asleep, Rhyne left, and Bryan disappeared. The two of us finished up the tree, and when all the family members suddenly reappeared, they all thought the tree was just beautiful. Sometimes I feel like one of those cartoon moms out of the Sunday newspaper with my kids. Micah and I did some shopping on Wednesday and we had our Thanksgiving meal with my mom and dad on Wednesday night. We celebrated the holiday with Collin's parents on Thursday evening and the rest of the week, I finished decorating the house.
December lead to other a
ctivities and celebrations. I invited the ladies that I work with to come over after school for some relaxation and refreshments. I think everyone had a good time; I know I enjoyed having them here. Collin and I were very busy with the Living Christmas Tree at church one of our December weekends. We attended the Riceland banquet with work associates who have become good friends and had a wonderful time. We also visited with friends at another open house hosted by friends from our church.
Christmas Day is very exciting for our family. We began the day at mom and dad
's house having lunch about 11 o'clock. Micah and Rhyne joined us and we shared our presents with each other. Mid-afternoon we went to Collin's family's home for another meal and we had our family Christmas at home the very last thing. Both sets of grandparents came to our house with us this year to see what Santa brought everyone. After things quieted down, we all put on our pajamas and watched a DVD to wrap up the day.
New Year's was rather quiet for Collin and myself. Bryan had gone on a trip with friends from the university and our New Orleans children left to go home. The dust had all settled, the decorations were packed away for another year and we sat in front of the fire reflecting on what a special holiday season we had shared as well as a wonderful year and all our many blessings. As dear as my children are and as much as I love them and miss them when they are away from us, it's very special for just Collin and I to be together, enjoying the stillness of the moment and the peace of being home.
I love Christmas and all that goes with it; the sights, sounds, and smells, the shopping, the cooking, baking, and eating, the decorations, the secrets and the magic
of Santa. I love beautifully decorated trees, Christmas carols, and remembering that a precious baby was born that changed the world forever. When it comes to Christmas, I always feel like a child at heart. The day has come and gone another year, but I'm already thinking about the next one. It's never too early to begin thinking about everyone you love and starting your shopping list.

Happy New Year, Marcia
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