Tuesday, September 19, 2017

u-HAULing It Down I-55

Collin and I did a little spur-of-the-moment thinking and planning heading south again this weekend to NOLA.  It wasn’t something we had really planned but circumstances arise and you do what you need or want to do.
Micah has been wanting the piano for a while.  My mom and dad bought it for my 8th birthday and I spent many hours practicing and learning to play on it.  It moved with me when I got married to our little house and then moved again when we moved into this house.  It has resided here for the better part of 33 years, but now has another home in NOLA. 
Micah practiced and learned to play on this instrument.  I tried (emphasis on tried) to teach her for about a year and it was clear we needed a teacher besides Mom.   Collin said when we had a lesson it sounded like two bobcats fighting and he would have to go outside.  I don’t know if it was that bad, but nonetheless, thank goodness for Mrs. Dianna.

We rented a U-Haul and loaded on Thursday afternoon with help.  Thank goodness for Steve, Bryan, and Andy.

Collin got home from work a little early on Friday and we left shortly reaching our destination about 11:30.
We ate Sonic burgers as we drove and stopped quickly only when necessary.  It goes without saying, but we went to bed immediately—we were exhausted.

Saturday, we had just a few minutes with Rhyne and Ben.  They were headed to Starkville to watch the Bulldogs take on LSU and we were excited they could go to the game on the Mississippi State campus.  Cowbells in tow, the boys were headed out dressed in maroon. 
Even the girls sported the appropriate colors. 

You can see they had a great time and Ben was beside himself. 

We watched the game on the TV during the evening.  I think we could hear Rhyne and Ben yelling.

Micah had helpers lined up to move the piano in about 9:30. They were johnny-on-the-spot, and in no time, the boys had her piano in place. 
After enjoying the rest of the morning, Micah took us out for a great meal and Dad got to enjoy some seafood.  We did a little shopping at Hobby Lobby, then drove around a bit sightseeing and back to the house for a snack and the game.

Papa hadn’t seen Anne Kathryn since she was born so you can imagine how excited he was to hold her and play with her.  She was three months old on Saturday. 

We got to see Ben a few minutes before leaving. We headed back home Sunday morning so Collin could be ready for work on Monday morning.

You’d think I would learn by now, but I’m always amazed at God’s timing, His blessings, and the way He works.  I’ve always loved grand pianos and wanted one, but never expected to have one.  Circumstances prevailed and when I wasn’t even thinking about a piano, God provided and this one is now sitting in my living room. 
I’ve been playing nearly every day since it was delivered and can still hardly believe its sitting there.  Now Micah is blessed in her desire and her dad and I was so pleased that we could take our family piano to her.  There are many years of music that have already come from that instrument first for me and then for Micah.  I’m counting on my grandbabies learning to play on that piano.

Music has always been a part of my life.  Playing brings me great joy.  Nearly every time I play at home or the organ at church, I think of my dad.  He used to tell that he thought I’d never learn to play.  It sounded like PING……..pongggggg.  PING PIING pongggggg!  I think he would be pleased that I finally figured it out and it helps me to. . .

Live Simply


Oh yes, I almost forgot, THE BULLDOGS WON!!!  How thoughtless of me to leave out that very important detail.  Forgive me, Rhyne. Hail State!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Home Improvements: Creating the Rock Garden

All my favorite magazines spend a substantial section of the monthly issue on the topics of lawn and garden.  Over the last couple of years, I have noted a big swing to “Creating Outdoor Spaces”, “Outdoor Living Areas”, etc.  I am intrigued as I love the outdoors and am always interested in doing something new and innovative in our yard.

From childhood, I preferred outdoors to the inside.  I loved mowing the yard and started when I was about 9 or 10.  After using a push mower on a rather large yard, my dad came home one day with a small riding mower that I could handle.  A little yellow Murray.  Was I ever in tall cotton! That hasn’t changed; I’m still mowing the yard, but now on a green John Deere riding mower and love it. I mowed the yard when Collin and I married.  He was farming and working 16 plus hours a day.  He didn’t have time to consider the yard.  I mowed when expecting Micah up until about month number 7.  I knew I had overdone it and that I would not be mowing for a while.  

When we moved to this one and only other home, the yard work began.  We expanded the usable, but overgrown property in the back yard where weeds and briars had grown.  It was also a rock bed.  Collin spent hours carrying a bucket and picking up rocks.  Eventually, we were able to mow.  This section fell behind a small creek that ran through the middle of our acreage.  Bryan referred to it as “our second back yard.’  It was the site of our first garden and my children spent hours playing there.

 There were no trees to speak of except one line of hardwoods in the back. 
We began planting trees on the west front to get shade for the house.  Now they are in abundance and require a great deal of yard maintenance.  In the spring there are limbs and debris from the winter and spring storms.  Tassels also fall from the oaks.  In the fall, there are millions of leaves to rake, burn, mulch, etc.  Still I love working in the yard, but it’s not a job for wimps or the faint of heart—its work.
Over the years, we’ve done several things including edging and flowerbeds with landscaping brick, designing a fountain, 
added a patio, and Collin built a pergola over it complete with electricity for fan, 
 and we hung a great porch swing. (The inspiration for my blog name and theme)
We’ve spent many hours there drinking morning coffee, 
grilling a dinner meal, and enjoying it on the patio table.  
In the fall, we’ve put on warm clothes, made a fire in the pit, and again enjoyed hot coffee.  
Last fall, we added a deck on the end of our house off of our bedroom.  We’ve spent hours this spring and summer enjoying this outdoor room. Can you tell we like swings?  This was an old one we had saved and up-cycled.
However, getting to the point of this post, this summer we completed a rock garden.  There is an area behind our house and garage space that has bothered me for years.  I tried a number of ideas to enhance the ugly sight, but to no avail.
First, it’s on a rock bed and would have needed a great deal of digging out and dirt hauled in.  Nothing would grow except weeds and scraggly grass that I didn’t want.  
Again, after looking at many ideas in my magazines, I envisioned a rock garden.  Why work against the rocks when that was the foundation of what was already there and a big part of the problem.  I had mentioned this to Collin some years ago, but some things just take time.

The summer before last, our good friend, Larry invited us to come visit his cabin get-a-way in the hills of Ash Flat and get some “boulders” as Collin called them.  With tractor, bucket, chains, and trailer, I picked out big rocks and the fellows loaded them for me.  

We got home with those and Collin used our tractor and placed them strategically for me.  Phase I was complete. Getting that much done was an accomplishment.

This summer, we found time to resume the project.  We went to Home Depot and purchased the landscape brick to mark the boundary and secured the wash rock.  It was a pretty big undertaking and took the better part of two days, but we were successful.  I was so pleased and I think Collin was satisfied that it made the driveway space look much better.  Adding in a few garden statuary pieces I had in some other places and stored away, phase II was completed.

I have some ideas for hiding the air-conditioning unit and gas utility, but that may come next summer.  It’s always good to have some additional goals and ideas.  When I mention these to Collin, he always looks at me and sighs, but I think he’s on board.  He just likes to tease me.
We have a big yard and there are several different areas and spaces where I would like to create some additional outdoor living rooms or garden areas that would be pleasant.  I have ideas all of which take time, energy, money.  Perhaps by next spring, I’ll have another creative idea for an outdoor home improvement.  I’ve always found nature to be relaxing and a stress reducer.  Pulling weeds or setting flowers in new planters has always provided a means for me to clear my head as well as creating something beautiful to the eye.  It’s rewarding at the end of the day to sit peacefully with a glass of sweet tea, enjoy the “View from the Porch Swing”, 

and to. . .

Live Simply,


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Celebrating Labor Day: A Rest From Our Routine

What happened to summer?  How did the time pass so quickly?  How is it possible that we celebrated the last official holiday of the season?  Last Friday afternoon, we were packed and as quickly as Collin could get home from work, we headed south to Wynne, AR where we set camp in Village Creek State Park.
It’s 57 miles from our door to the camp site.  When weekend outings are short, it’s nice to have a minimal driving distance and we can reach this natural paradise in a little over an hour. When we turned into the park to begin the Labor Day holiday, Collin commented, “Look at these beautiful trees; I feel relaxed already.

It was a beautiful weekend and the temperatures were amazing.  There were very few mosquitoes and we sat out a great deal.  Our camp site was beautiful and we had quite a bit of room and privacy.  In the distance behind the trees, we could even catch glimpses of one of two small fishing lakes.
We had great fellowship and good food with friends.  Collin and I general enjoy the early quiet and cooI of the mornings and linger over our coffee without rush.  Usually about mid-morning we’re ready for breakfast and Collin cooks it outside.  I love the smell of bacon as it sizzles on the griddle. Sometimes, we eat out on the picnic table.
During our weekend, we shared a grilled shrimp meal with friends, Dennis and Regina, and Dale and Amy.  Another night we grilled steaks and ate outside.  We had a great pancake breakfast our last morning together.
All to soon it was time to pack up and head home.  There had been no rush, no hurry, and no schedule. We rested well at night and came home refreshed.  For a few days, we were able to. . .

Live Simply,
