Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Activities

I love everything about the Christmas season.  We have been involved in a number of activities, but I just haven't had time to get to the computer to share them.

1.  The first weekend in December we were at the church helping with the 29th annual Living Christmas Tree.  As most of you know, I am quite the shutterbug, but unfortunately, this year, no picture.

2.  Collin and I attended the annual Riceland Banquet held out the Fowler Center.  I always look forward to this event.  We get to dress up a bit, enjoy a fantastic meal, and visit with friends.   We won door prizes this year.  Collin got a 4-place set of white Corelle while I won a 7X9 casserole with a carry tote.  Both were very nice.  I took my phone with the express intent of having someone snap our photo, but I forgot--no picture.

3.  Tuesday, I decorated and hosted a luncheon for my staff at school.  I thought everything looked nice and went well.  I took my camera to make a few pictures.  I was so busying being the hostess, I forgot until everyone was gone and I was cleaning up.  No picture.

4.  Thursday was our first day of vacation.  I spent the better part of the day in town shopping.  I had a lot to accomplish.  I was delighted that the Putman's senior had invited us to dinner to celebrate with the family.  We had a great visit.

5.  Yesterday, I spent the most of the day wrapping the presents I bought on Thursday.  That was mixed with laundry, making out a grocery list, running to WalMart to buy the groceries, and preparing dinner.  Rhyne, Micah, and Ben came to eat with us last night.

6.  Today, I have spent most of  my time in the kitchen even though I have had a few other jobs.  I've roasted pecans for Bryan, made party mix for Collin, and made vegetable soup for supper.

I think I'm just about to wrap it up and call it a day.  I think relaxing in front of the tree and taking in a Christmas movie may be calling my name.  Only three days left until Christmas.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Celebration Time

Christmas is in the air.  After a great deal of time and effort, some things have come to a close for which we celebrate and some things we still look toward and will continue to celebrate.  It is the most wonderful time of the year.

Last week marked the end of a major goal for both Bryan and me.  He took his last college final this past Monday and I clicked the submit button for the last time on Tuesday morning.  Last night we went out to celebrate and had dinner at Colton's.  We didn't participate in official ceremonies, but our diplomas awaits pickup.  Bryan went duck hunting and declared it was much more enjoyable than listening to a speech.  I did laundry, wrapped some packages,  and turned up the Christmas music on the stereo.  I, too, thought it was much more enjoyable than listening to a speech.  We were both happy campers.

Bryan has completed a BS in Agronomy (Plant and Soil Science).  His immediate plan is to rest and relax a little, enjoy Christmas, and stay in the duck blind for a time.  He laughed the other night and said it was his off-season.  We'll see what January brings.  I can't say I blame him--he deserves a little break.

When I accepted the position as administrator at RCS, I still needed some hours in Educational Leadership.  After 20 months, I've earned a second master's degree.  Please, if something else arises that I need more college classes, someone tell me I need my head examined. 

Speaking of RCS, we finish school and begin Christmas break as of Wednesday.  A lot of excitement is in the air.  Classrooms and hallways are decorated for Christmas and the kiddos as well as teachers can hardly wait for a break.  I'm hosting a luncheon on Tuesday as my Christmas gift to the staff.

I'm excited to start my own celebration.  I need to shop and wrap presents.  I haven't even thought about our traditional goodies and snacks from the kitchen, and my NOLA children are coming home this week.  There will definately be a post with pictures of our sweet little Ben.   We're enjoying dinner meals with our families and I always serve Christmas Eve brunch--something else that I need to plan and have yet to find the time.  As you can see, we have much to celebrate. 
