Hello all.
It's been a month since I last blogged, but life has been so busy and hectic that there has simply been no time to blog. School started August 15 and I have a new job as you know. I've been extremely busy, but I love RCS. I thoroughly enjoy my work and every day passes quickly. I can hardly believe we are into week 6. The time is flying. However, not only did I begin a new job, but I started my second class through ASU the same week. When you have 18 weeks crammed into 5, you are living in front of the computer. I would work by day and work by night. I finished up the class, had this week off, and I begin a new one Monday. You may not hear from me for another month. The good news is, I do not have any classes during the holiday months of November and December so I glad of that.
We did get a reprieve for Labor Day. We hooked the camper to the truck and headed out to Bull Shoals, White River. We enjoyed being out for three days and it was quite relaxing. We left out a little late and by the time we got to Lake Norfork, the sun was setting. Collin pulled over a few minutes for me to snap this photo. This isn't exactly new material for me, but I never get over the beauty of a sunset over water; each one is unique so I wanted to capture, once again, the beauty.

When we arrived at our camp site, we were greeted by this posting.

Rolling on in to September, it is football season, and Bryan is marching again this fall in the band so we went out for the first game and enjoyed the band show during halftime.

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is the first day of fall. Time is certainly getting away quickly. I have put up a few harvest decorations in and around the house. I do love the colors of fall. It will be Thanksgiving before you know it and it may be that time before I get back.
Happy Autumn,