What a whirlwind of Christmas activity this week and what a wonderful time of celebrating, fellowship, and sharing with friends.
Last Saturday, Collin and I were privileged to drop in at the Davis home to see over 30 decorated trees, some short and some tall, while enjoying a variety of snacks, visiting with old acquaintances, and making new ones. This has become an annual event and one that we look forward too. Here are Doug, Vera, and Delilah in front of one of Vera's many trees and Doug always makes wooden ornaments which they give as a memory of the year and a gift of friendship.

This year, we have a teddy bear to add to our collection. I have about 7 or 8 of Doug's ornaments and they are favorites on our tree.

Tuesday evening, we dressed up and headed to the Riceland Banquet. This is something I always look forward to. The meal is wonderful and it's great to visit with work associates who have become friends. The Tidwell's, our neighbors, rode to the Fowler Center with us. It has become a tradition for us to go together and share our meal as Steve and Collin not only work together, but are great comrades. Here is a picture of Steve and Robin

and Collin and Marcia.

Riceland always has drawings for great door prizes and I was lucky this year. I try to keep tools in the house for my special projects, and somehow, they seem to disappear back to the shop. Look what I got. My very own tools and carrying case in PINK. Now if these show up outside, it's a dead give-away that they are mine and somebody is going to be in trouble. My little tool bag is full of tools.

Thursday night, I went to a Sunday School party. These ladies are very sweet and they have sort of adopted me since I work through Sunday School and really do not have a class. They had a wonderful potluck last night and a gift exchange. Here are the ladies

and here is the gift I brought home--a nutcracker frog as Vera knows that I collect frogs. That's another story I'll have to tell another day.

We have a few more activities scheduled for the weekend, so stay tuned for more Christmas.
Tis the season to be jolly,