Another winter blast has hit in Arkansas--good enough for us to manage another school day spent at home. The sleet started around 9 or so and continued throughout the night. By 8 this morning the snow began to fall. We are told it will snow all day and some tomorrow leaving us with a 5 to 8 inch accumulation. Albeit that wouldn't impress many of our northern state neighbors, that's a lot of snow at one time for we southerners.
I've spent a lot of time gazing out the window at this white blanket; it's beautiful falling, but I have also done a few productive things this morning. I get such few of these types of opportunities that I want to enjoy it when I get the chance.
Of all the folklore that predicts the harshness of the winter and stirs many a conversation about the weather, I heard a first this year. Now I'm familiar with the "black wollyworm", "if the corn has thick shucks", the fogs in August, but new to me, "the shape of the persimmon seed." It seems if the seed is shaped like a spoon, we can expect to shovel a lot of snow. This year, you guessed it, the seeds are spoon shaped. I'm inclined to believe there is something to these earlier forecasting methods by studying nature's signs. One thing is for sure--we've got snow today.
I also wanted to share a few photos today. It just wouldn't be the same if I didn't have a picture to share. I do quite a bit of photography work at church. We are always having events and activities and I try to capture the history. Still recent and not to long ago, WSBC presented the Living Christmas Tree as a gift of song and remembrance of Christ's birth to our community. I made photos and I'd like to share them with you. I had good intentions in December, but didn't get to it. Since it is a cold wintry day, I thought it just might work anyway to share these seasonal photos. I hope you enjoy. If you've never had opportunity to visit us during this wonderful time of the year, start planning now. I think this is already on the church calendar for the weekend of December 10, 11, 12. If your life is anything like mine, it will be Christmas again before you know it.