Our cousin, Jeri, lives in Tuscaloosa and has been on staff with the University of Alabama for several years. She recently completed her doctoral degree and is the Clinical Coordinator for the Athletic Training Education Program. Obviously, we are very proud for her. We love traveling to see her and George, her pedigree mutt, and getting in a visit. And then, what a great opportunity to enjoy football in the 93,000 capacity stadium as ASU met up with UA. Although the Red Wolves didn't exactly chalk up a victory this time, they played a very good game against the then number two college team in the nation.
Collin and I had
fantastic seats in the stadium and Jeri made arrangements for Bryan to walk right into the stadium and onto the field with Alabama's Million Dollar Band. Now talk about an experience; there aren't too many college students who will ever get that kind of opportunity. He had a wonderful time. Before leaving to come home on Sunday, we went back to the campus and got to see even more of this university and tour the grounds and facilities.
Back on the home front, we had some fantastic barbecue, two great nights of sleep, lots of visiting and catching up on the news of family and life's happenings, and just general chillin' and relaxin'. We watched a little more football on TV and we even had to stack a little wood. It was absolutely home away from home. We had a marvelous time and all to soon, it was time to head back. In spite of having to say goodbye, even the drive back to Arkansas was a treat. The fall foliage was absolutely beautiful on that sunny Sunday afternoon.
I'm convinced of two things. One, there is nothing quite like country southern living, and two, family is everything. Happy Trails.